IP International Journal of Periodontology and Implantology


Table of Contents

Year-2018 | Volume: 3 | Issue 1

Review Article

Nutrition and its influence on periodontal disease

Author : Shilpa Choudhari, Vishakha Patil, Yogesh Khadtare, Pallavi Patil

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/2457-0087.2018.0001   Page No : 1-3

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Digital dentistry: The future is now

Author : Supreet K. Thind, Shiva Gupta, Rasveen Kaur, Surinder Sachdeva, Aastha Bakshi

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/2457-0087.2018.0002   Page No : 4-11

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1601)] [Download (1673)]

Case Report

Increased papilla between implant and tooth with TEH use of hyaluronic acid injection: A case report

Author : Alexandre Domingues Teixeira Neto, Carmen Lucia Mueller Storrer, Felipe Rychuv Santos, Tatiana Miran

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/2457-0087.2018.0005   Page No : 24-29

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Concealed deciduous root fragment-cause of recurrent gingival pain: A case report

Author : Nirupama Tayal, Deepak Kochar, Shiva Gupta, Rasveen Kaur, Supreet Kaur Thind

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/2457-0087.2018.0006   Page No : 30-31

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