IP International Journal of Periodontology and Implantology


Table of Contents

Year-2016 | Volume: 1 | Issue 3

Review Article

Periodontal abscess –A sneak peek

Author : Ramanarayana Boyapati, Srikanth C, Shyam Sunder S, Arpita Paul R, Kiran Kumar Nagubandi

Doi :   Page No : 81-84

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (2965)] [Download (2150)]

Original Article

Clinical performance of immediately loaded single-tooth implants up to 7-year: a retrospective study review article

Author : Renata Faria, Mutlu Özcan, Jorian D. Bossema, Francisco Fernando Todescan, Diego Klee de Vasconcello

Doi :   Page No : 85-91

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1986)] [Download (692)]

A rare case report of hereditary gingival fibromatosis with atrial septal defect

Author : Deepali Rasila, Kanwarjit Asi, Ajay Mahajan

Doi :   Page No : 105-107

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1706)] [Download (467)]

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