Get Permission Byrappa, Pavithra, Chhabaria Peswani, Kumar, Shah, and Satheesh: Prosthetic management of peri-implantitis: Analyzing risk factors and advancing preventive strategies


In recent years, dental implantology has revolutionized the field of restorative dentistry, providing patients with a reliable and aesthetically pleasing solution for tooth replacement. However, alongside the remarkable success of dental implants, challenges such as peri-implantitis have emerged as a significant concern. Peri-implantitis, characterized by inflammation and bone loss around dental implants, can lead to implant failure if not managed promptly and effectively. This article delves into the prosthetic management of peri-implantitis, highlighting the crucial role of risk factor analysis and the advancement of preventive strategies.

Understanding Peri-implantitis


Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the tissues surrounding dental implants. It is characterized by inflammation of the peri-implant mucosa (soft tissues around the implant) and progressive loss of the supporting bone. If left untreated, peri-implantitis can lead to implant failure.1

Clinical Presentation

Common signs and symptoms of peri-implantitis include redness, swelling, bleeding, suppuration (pus formation), and increased pocket depth around the implant. Radiographically, there is evidence of bone loss around the implant, similar to the way bone loss occurs in periodontal disease.2

Causes and Risk Factors3

Local risk factors

  1. Inadequate Oral Hygiene: Just like with natural teeth, maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial to prevent bacterial biofilm buildup around the implant. Poor oral hygiene can lead to inflammation and subsequent bone loss.

  2. Residual Cement: Leftover cement from the placement of the implant crown can trigger inflammation and contribute to peri-implantitis.

  3. Mechanical Trauma: Trauma during implant placement or prosthetic procedures can damage the surrounding tissues, initiating an inflammatory response.

  4. Poor Implant Positioning: Implants placed in an improper position can be difficult to clean effectively, making them susceptible to bacterial colonization.

Systemic Risk Factors4, 5

  1. Diabetes: Diabetes can impair the body's ability to fight infection and heal properly, increasing the risk of peri-implantitis.

  2. Smoking: Smoking is a significant risk factor for both periodontal disease and peri-implantitis. It affects blood flow, impairs the immune response, and hinders tissue healing.

  3. Compromised Immune Systems: Individuals with compromised immune systems are more susceptible to infections, including those around dental implants.

  4. Prevention and Treatment: Prevention of peri-implantitis involves careful patient selection, comprehensive evaluation of risk factors, proper implant placement, and thorough patient education on oral hygiene maintenance. Treatment may involve mechanical debridement (cleaning), removal of biofilm and calculus, and, in severe cases, surgical procedures to address bone loss. It's crucial to address the underlying causes and manage systemic risk factors to achieve successful outcomes.

  5. Patient Evaluation: Before initiating implant therapy, a thorough evaluation of the patient's medical and dental history, as well as their overall health and risk factors, is essential. This evaluation helps identify potential factors that could contribute to the development of peri-implantitis and guides treatment planning to minimize the risk of complications.


Prosthetic role in peri-implantitis management:6

  1. Prosthetic Component Removal: Prosthodontists and restorative dentists are responsible for the removal of the prosthetic components attached to the dental implant. This step is vital as it allows direct access to the affected area, which is necessary for thorough debridement and treatment. Prosthetic components include the crown, abutment, and any other restorative elements that might be present.

  2. Facilitating Debridement: Once the prosthetic components are removed, the dental professional can visualize the implant surface and surrounding tissues more clearly. This is critical for effective debridement, as it enables the removal of microbial biofilm (plaque) and calculus (hardened plaque) that have accumulated on the implant surface.

  3. Mechanical Debridement: Mechanical debridement involves the use of specialized instruments to physically remove the biofilm and calculus from the implant surface. These instruments are designed to be gentle on the implant while effectively cleaning the area. Ultrasonic scalers, plastic curettes, and titanium brushes are some examples of instruments used for mechanical debridement.

  4. Chemical Methods: In addition to mechanical debridement, chemical methods can also be employed to aid in disinfection and reduction of the microbial load. Antimicrobial agents may be applied to the implant surface to target and eliminate bacteria that contribute to the inflammation and infection associated with peri-implantitis. These agents could be delivered as gels, solutions, or powders.

Treatment goals

The primary goals of these prosthetic interventions and debridement techniques are: 7

  1. Removing the source of infection (microbial biofilm and calculus)

  2. Reducing inflammation in the peri-implant tissues

  3. Promoting tissue healing and regeneration

  4. Halting or slowing down the progression of bone loss

It's important to note that while prosthodontists and restorative dentists are integral to the initial phases of peri-implantitis management, a multidisciplinary approach is often necessary. Periodontists or oral surgeons may be involved in advanced cases that require surgical intervention, such as regenerative procedures to restore lost bone around the implant.

Maintenance and Long-Term Care8

Following successful treatment of peri-implantitis, maintaining optimal oral hygiene practices and regular professional maintenance is crucial to prevent a recurrence. Patients should be educated on proper oral hygiene techniques for cleaning around implants and encouraged to attend regular follow-up appointments for monitoring and maintenance.

Preoperative Preventive Measures 9

  1. Patient Selection and Evaluation: Thoroughly assess potential implant patients for systemic risk factors (like diabetes or compromised immune system) and lifestyle factors (such as smoking) that might increase the likelihood of peri-implantitis.

  2. Treatment Planning: Proper treatment planning is crucial to ensure appropriate implant placement, sufficient bone support, and optimal prosthetic design. This includes selecting implant systems that are known for their long-term success and compatibility.

  3. Oral Hygiene Education: Educate patients about the importance of maintaining excellent oral hygiene before and after implant placement. This includes proper brushing, flossing, and the use of any additional oral hygiene aids.

  4. Preoperative Oral Health: Address any existing periodontal or dental issues before proceeding with implant placement. Ensuring a healthy oral environment before surgery can contribute to better implant outcomes.

Postoperative Preventive Measures10, 11

  1. Regular Follow-up Visits: Schedule regular postoperative follow-up visits to monitor the healing process and the condition of the implant. Early detection of any issues can lead to timely intervention.

  2. Oral Hygiene Maintenance: Emphasize the significance of maintaining impeccable oral hygiene around the implant site. Provide patients with personalized oral hygiene instructions and tools to clean the implant area effectively.

  3. Professional Cleanings: Include implant sites during routine professional dental cleanings to ensure that any accumulated plaque and calculus are removed promptly.

  4. Regular Examinations: Regularly evaluate the health of the peri-implant tissues, including soft tissue inflammation and probing depth, to detect any signs of potential problems early.

  5. Patient Education: Continuously educate patients about the risk factors for peri-implantitis and the importance of adhering to oral hygiene practices and professional maintenance.

  6. Smoking Cessation Support: If a patient smokes, offer guidance and support for smoking cessation, as smoking is a significant risk factor for peri-implantitis.

  7. Systemic Health Management: For patients with systemic conditions like diabetes, collaborate with medical professionals to manage their health conditions effectively, which can contribute to better implant outcomes.

Advancing Preventive Strategies12

1. To advance preventive strategies for peri-implantitis management:

2. Stay updated with the latest research and guidelines related to dental implant care.

3. Incorporate emerging technologies and techniques that promote better implant outcomes.

4. Consider implementing risk assessment tools to identify patients at higher risk for peri-implantitis.

5. Foster interdisciplinary collaboration among prosthodontists, restorative dentists, periodontists, oral surgeons, and other specialists to provide comprehensive care.

Comprehensive Treatment Planning and Risk Assessment: 13, 14

  1. Medical History Evaluation: Assessing the patient's medical history is essential to identify any systemic conditions or medications that might impact the success of implant therapy. Conditions like diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and cardiovascular issues could influence healing and implant integration.

  2. Lifestyle Factors: Lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and oral hygiene practices can significantly impact the outcome of dental implant treatment. Smoking, for instance, is a major risk factor for peri-implantitis due to its negative effects on blood flow and immunity.

  3. Oral Health Assessment: Evaluate the patient's current oral health, including the condition of their existing teeth and supporting structures. Any existing periodontal disease or untreated dental issues should be addressed before proceeding with implant placement.

  4. Bone Quality and Quantity: Assess the quantity and quality of the available bone at the implant site. Adequate bone support is essential for successful implant integration. In cases of inadequate bone, bone grafting procedures might be necessary.

  5. Prosthetic Considerations: Plan the implant placement in coordination with the desired prosthetic outcome. Factors like occlusion, aesthetics, and function should be taken into account to achieve optimal results.

  6. Patient Expectations: Discuss the patient's expectations and goals for the treatment. This ensures that the treatment plan aligns with their desires and provides realistic outcomes.

Importance of Risk Assessment: 15

Predicting Success: By thoroughly evaluating a patient's medical history and oral health, you can predict the likelihood of a successful implant integration. Patients with certain systemic conditions or poor oral hygiene might be at a higher risk of implant failure.

  1. Preventing Complications: Identifying risk factors beforehand allows you to take proactive measures to prevent complications. For instance, addressing smoking cessation or managing medical conditions can minimize potential problems.

  2. Customized Treatment Plans: Risk assessment helps in tailoring the treatment plan to the individual patient. This increases the chances of a successful outcome and minimizes the risk of complications.

  3. Informed Decision-Making: Comprehensive risk assessment empowers both the dental professional and the patient to make informed decisions about the most suitable treatment approach.

  4. Long-Term Success: Investing time in risk assessment and comprehensive treatment planning contributes to the long-term success of dental implant therapy, reducing the need for corrective interventions down the line.

  5. Incorporating thorough risk assessment into the treatment planning process demonstrates a commitment to patient care and optimal outcomes. By identifying and addressing potential challenges early, dental professionals can maximize the benefits of implant therapy while minimizing the risks associated with complications like peri-implantitis.

Regular maintenance for dental implants: 16

  1. Early Detection: Regular follow-up visits provide an opportunity to monitor the health of peri-implant tissues and detect any signs of inflammation or infection at an early stage. Early detection allows for prompt intervention, which can help prevent the progression of peri-implant diseases.

  2. Proactive Care: Scheduled maintenance visits allow dental professionals to address oral hygiene practices and offer personalized guidance to patients. This proactive approach helps patients maintain optimal oral health around their implants.

  3. Professional Cleanings: Professional cleanings of implant surfaces during maintenance visits remove accumulated plaque and calculus that can contribute to inflammation and peri-implantitis. This helps maintain a clean and healthy peri-implant environment.

  4. Assessment of Healing: Follow-up visits also involve assessing the healing process and evaluating how well the implant has integrated with the surrounding bone and tissues. This information guides further treatment decisions if necessary.

  5. Patient Education: Maintenance visits provide an opportunity to educate patients about the importance of oral hygiene, proper implant care, and the role they play in maintaining the health of their implants.

Involvement of Prosthodontists and Periodontists:17

  1. Prosthodontist's Role: Prosthodontists are involved in monitoring the condition of the prosthetic components, ensuring their stability and fit. They also assess occlusion and any functional issues related to the implant-supported prosthesis.

  2. Periodontist's Role: Periodontists specialize in the health of the supporting structures of teeth and implants. They play a critical role in assessing the health of peri-implant tissues, checking for inflammation, probing depth, and any signs of disease.

  3. Collaborative Approach: A collaborative approach between prosthodontists, periodontists, and other specialists ensures comprehensive care for patients with dental implants. The combined expertise helps in diagnosing and addressing issues from both a restorative and periodontal perspective.

Structured Maintenance Schedule:18

A structured maintenance schedule typically includes regular follow-up visits, which may be scheduled every three to six months, depending on the patient's individual needs and risk factors. For patients at higher risk of peri-implant diseases due to factors like smoking or a history of periodontal disease, more frequent visits might be recommended.

By implementing a structured maintenance schedule and involving both prosthodontists and periodontists, dental professionals can provide comprehensive care that ensures the long-term success of dental implant treatments while minimizing the risk of peri-implant complications.

Customized Prosthetic Design:19

  1. Hygiene Maintenance: Prosthetic designs should prioritize ease of oral hygiene maintenance. The design should allow patients to effectively clean around the restoration, minimizing the risk of bacterial buildup and inflammation.

  2. Bacterial Accumulation: Minimize areas where bacteria can accumulate. Complex designs with difficult-to-reach areas can make oral hygiene challenging and increase the risk of peri-implant diseases.

  3. Screw-Retained vs. Cement-Retained: Screw-retained restorations have advantages in terms of retrievability. They can be easily removed for cleaning and maintenance without damaging the restoration. Cement-retained restorations, on the other hand, require careful cementation techniques to avoid leaving residual cement around the implant-abutment interface.

Material Selection: 20

Bacterial Adherence: Opt for materials that discourage bacterial adherence and plaque accumulation. Smooth surfaces that resist bacterial colonization can help maintain peri-implant health.

Biocompatibility: Choose biocompatible materials that are well-tolerated by the surrounding tissues and do not trigger adverse reactions.

Cementation Techniques: 21

  1. Residual Cement: Cement-retained restorations can pose a risk of leaving residual cement in the peri-implant tissues, which can lead to inflammation and peri-implantitis. Implement cementation techniques that minimize the chance of residual cement being left behind.

  2. Radiopacity: Use radiopaque cement to aid in detecting and removing any residual cement during follow-up examinations.


The prosthetic management of peri-implantitis is a critical component of ensuring the longevity and success of dental implants. By analyzing risk factors and advancing preventive strategies, dental professionals can take proactive measures to mitigate the occurrence and severity of peri-implantitis. Through patient education, meticulous treatment planning, regular maintenance, and interdisciplinary collaboration, the dental community can work collectively to enhance patient outcomes and elevate the standards of implant dentistry.

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Received : 25-08-2023

Accepted : 12-09-2023

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