Evaluation of efficacy of autologous platelet-rich fibrin along with decalcified freeze dried bone allograft in the management of mandibular grade -II Furcation defects –A clinical and radiographic study

Original Article

Author Details : Prameetha George Ittycheria*, Thomas George. V, Annie Kitty George, Saumya John, Nebu George

Volume : 4, Issue : 1, Year : 2019

Article Page : 11-17


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Aim: In the management of furcation defects a wide range of periodontal regenerative materials have been used. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), proposed by Choukran in 2001 is a second generation platelet concentrate with affluence of growth factors. These growth factors have the ability to accelerate soft and hard tissue healing. PRF and its beneficial uses have been studied in the field of plastic surgical procedures, sinus lift procedures, multiple root coverage cases along with coronally positioned flap. PRF is superior to other platelet concentrates due to its ease of preparation, cost effectiveness and it needs no addition of any exogenous compounds. Earlier studies have shown decalcified freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA) has osteogenic potential, also PRF along with DFDBA has been successfully used in regeneration of intrabony defects. Hence the present study aimed to assess the additional benefit of using PRF along with DFDBA in the management of mandibular grade II furcation defects both clinically and radiographically.
Materials and Methods: Nine sites of nine patients with chronic periodontitis with mandibular grade II furcation defects with probing pocket depth of ?5mm and horizontal probing depth of ?3mm after scaling and root planing were selected for the study. Open flap debridement (OFD) done at the furcation sites, followed by placement with DFDBA and PRF. Clinical and radiographic parameters were measured at baseline and at 6 months postoperatively.
Result: The integrated use of PRF along with DFDBA in furcation defects showed better results in all clinical and radiographic parameters. The beneficial effects of PRF may be the reason for the effective results obtained in this study. When the graft particles mixed with PRF the PRF fragments serve as a biological connector between graft particles. Furthrmore, the slow release of cytokines contribute a significant role in the self-regulation of inflammatory and infectious phenomena within the grafted material
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the combination of autologous PRF with DFDBA is an efficient treatment modality for the management of mandibular grade II furcation defects.

Keywords: Decalcified freeze- dried bone allograft, Furcation, Growth factors, Platelet-rich fibrin, Regeneration.

How to cite : Ittycheria P G, Thomas George. V, George A K, John S, George N, Evaluation of efficacy of autologous platelet-rich fibrin along with decalcified freeze dried bone allograft in the management of mandibular grade -II Furcation defects –A clinical and radiographic study. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2019;4(1):11-17

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