Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2018
Article Page : 41-46
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are the cytokines which play a pivotal role in embryonic patterning and initial skeletal development and also have a potent effect on bone and cartilage growth. BMPs have promising prospects for repair of bone and cartilage, therapeutic utility in orthopaedic and dento-alveolar reconstruction,working as powerful bone-inducing components in diverse tissue-engineering products. Considering the increasing amount of work in the field of BMPs, there are prospects of a brilliant future in the field of regenerative medicine of bone and cartilage with the use of BMPs. This review focuses on its historical background, structure, functions,mechanism of the bone formation, carriers and its clinical applications.
Keywords:Bone morphogenetic proteins, BMP’s, Autoinduction, Bone formation, Signalling molecules, Transforming growth factor ?, Bone induction cascade
How to cite : Manocha A, Sachdeva S, Bathla S C, Manocha S, Daing A, Bone morphogenetic proteins: A strategic review. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2018;3(2):41-46
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