Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2017
Article Page : 136-140
Anatomically, alveolar bone is the part of the maxilla and mandible that surrounds and supports the teeth. It undergoes continual remodelling process which maintains the balance between the apposition and resorption of alveolar bone. This balance if disturbed produces changes in terms of quality and quantity of alveolar bone. Changes in both quality and quantity of alveolar bone (alveolar bone defects) can be significant with respect to the progression of a particular disease or in response to a therapy.
This review describes the alveolar bone defects associated with various pathological conditions and the effect of systemic factors on the architecture of alveolar bone.
Keywords: Remodelling process, Alveolar bone defects, Systemic factors
How to cite : Suchetha A., Tanwar E, B.m. D, Apoorva S. M., Salman K., Alveolar bone in disease. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2017;2(4):136-140
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