Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2017
Article Page : 124-129
Immediate implants are the implants placed into the fresh extraction socket following tooth extraction. Several human and animal studies have shown that the success rate of these implants is comparable to the implants placed in the healed sites. There are certain advantages of this procedure which include, fewer surgical steps, preservation of the bone height and width, short edentulous time period and reduced overall cost. Immediate implants are advantageous to the patients from both surgical and prosthetic point of view. So this technique is very appealing for the patients who require both extraction and the implant placement. The objective is to provide a general review about immediate implant placement and to summarize uses and applications in which this technique can be indicated.
Keywords: Immediate Implantation, Immediate Loading, Periapical Lesions, Extraction Socket, Implant Survival
How to cite : Sethi N, Kour R P, Gupta G, Singh R, Pal A, Immediate implants in fresh extraction sockets: A Review. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2017;2(4):124-129
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