Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : , Year : 2017
Article Page : 55-57
Impacted canines pose a functional as well as an esthetic concern in the patients as they provide a major support for the cheek. Surgical exposure of an impacted tooth is necessary to allow the orthodontist access to the unerupted tooth, in order to bring it into the dental arch and into alignment. This case reports the surgical exposure of the soft tissue covering the maxillary impacted canine with diode laser.
Keywords: Soft tissue exposure, Diode laser, Maxillary canine, Submerged
How to cite : Deepa D., Jain G, Agarwal S, Diode laser excision of the soft tissue around submerged permanent canine - A case report. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2017;2():55-57
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