Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2023
Article Page : 97-102
Piezosurgery is a relatively new method derived from the Greek term “piezein” which means “to press tight or to squeeze”. Tomaso Vercellotti an italian physician invented it. He teamed up with Mectron Medical Technology, a medical device company was founded by Italian engineers Fernando Bianchetti and Domenico Vercellotti. It is a technique conceived to overcome the limitations of traditional bone cutting instruments in order achieve the most effective treatment with minimal amount of morbidity. It is used for bone removal and bone recontouring procedure on the principle of ultrasonic vibration. Piezoelectric effect generates an electrical charge when subjected to mechanical stress.
Keywords: Piezosurgery, Piezosurgery in Periodontology, Ultrasonic device
How to cite : Khan S, Khatri M, Bansal M, Rehan M, Tripathi P, Mishra A, Piezosurgery in periodontology. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2023;8(2):97-102
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Received : 25-04-2023
Accepted : 13-06-2023
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