Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2023
Article Page : 86-93
Periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis leads to degradation of periodontal tissues, causing tooth movement, and eventually tooth loss. Regenerative periodontal therapies aim to promote the healing and regeneration of the damaged periodontal tissues. These therapies focus on restoring the lost periodontal structures, including the gum tissue, periodontal ligament, and bone, to a functional state. To promote periodontal regeneration and healing, the application of biologic modifiers such as growth factors has been investigated. Biologic modifiers-primarily growth factors are basically proteins that may act locally or systemically to affect the growth and function of cells in various ways.These agents act by anabolic bone formation, angiogenesis, cementogenesis, osteoblast differentiation mitosis, chemo taxis, and other processes that improve the healing environment.When deciding on which biologic modifier to use, it is important to consider the evidence supporting its effectiveness and safety, as well as the specific clinical scenario of the patient.
Keywords: Bone graft, Bone modifiers, Inorganic ions, Periodontal Regeneration
How to cite : Lekshmi M, George.v T , Kavya S, Thomas N G, Biological modifiers in bone graft for periodontal regeneration. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2023;8(2):86-93
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Received : 20-05-2023
Accepted : 12-06-2023
Viewed: 855
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