Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 4, Year : 2022
Article Page : 154-160
Background: The sudden outbreak of Covid 19 resulted in serious financial challenges and implications among private dental practitioners. Even though dental practitioners are now trying to retrieve back to pre-Covid state, concerns persist since Covid cases are unpredictably peaking every now and then.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was conducted among 497 private dental practitioners of Kerala to assess the clinical, psychological, and financial concerns during COVID-19 pandemic. Questionnaire was circulated through IDA official Whats App groups as online google forms. Data so obtained was entered and analysed using SPSStrial version 21. Qualitative variables were expressed in proportions. Association of domains with sociodemographic characteristics were assessed using Chi Square test.
Results: Main clinical concern reported by 52.3% of participants was transmission of infection to family members, main financial concern of 66.2% of participants was reduced income from practice, and 25.8% of the participants reported ‘lot of stress’. It was found that practitioners with more than 10 years’ experience had moreclinical concerns, while those with less than 10 years’ experience had more financial concerns.
Conclusion: Our survey highlighted the concerns of private dental practitioners of Kerala in their practice during the pandemic. It is expected that practitioners, enriched with the experience acquired during the recent outbreak will be able to efficiently redefine their scope of practice and adjust to new circumstances.
Keywords: Clinical, Concern, Financial, Private dental practice, Psychological
How to cite : Vishalakshy D P, Narayanankutty S K, Raghunathan D, Mukundan K K, Renjit M, Habeelath Z, Practice related concerns among private dental practitioners of Kerala during COVID 19 pandemic - A cross sectional study. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2022;7(4):154-160
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Received : 05-07-2022
Accepted : 22-07-2022
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