Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2022
Article Page : 74-77
The case report aims to evaluate radiographically a new bone formation in extraction sockets augmented with gelatin gel.16 was extracted atraumatically and then gelatin gel was grafted in the extraction socket. The margins were closed with periosteal releasing incision (closed-membrane technique). The implant was placed after 4 months of healing. Wound healing was unremarkable. radiographically, the bone reformation was observed in relation to 16. Immediate graft after extraction using gelatin gel is recommended for socket preservation.
Keywords: Demineralization, Ridge augmentation, Gelatin, New bone formation, Socket Preservation
How to cite : Vanitha B, Vangala M, Sutradhar D, Sahithi C N S, Manjunatha V A, Socket preservation using gelatin hydrogel: A case report with radiographic analysis. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2022;7(2):74-77
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Received : 09-03-2022
Accepted : 13-04-2022
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