Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 4, Year : 2021
Article Page : 201-203
People brush their teeth for a variety of reasons: to feel revitalised and confident, to maintain a healthy smile, and to avoid bad breath and disease. Oral hygiene is critical for oral health preservation because it eliminates microbial plaque and prevents it from accumulating on teeth and gingivae. Control of the plaque is crucial for the management of periodontal diseases, but not all patients are at the same risk of disease development, and the difficulties depend on clinical findings. The clinical presentations and risk assessment for individual patients are to be adapted to the oral hygiene techniques and recommendations.Interdental aids are available in a variety of forms, including dental floss, interdental brushes, rubber tips, wooden tooth picks, water jets, and oral irrigators. Each of these options has distinct advantages and disadvantages. The appropriate interproximal cleaning aid is determined by the ease of use, the size of the interproximal space, the individual's acceptability, dexterity, and motivation. Thus, the dentist can make a recommendation based on the unique characteristics of each patient.
Keywords: Interdental aid, Floss, Interdental brush, Wooden stick
How to cite : Mani A, Sachdeva S, Gholap S, Manaktala H S, Vora H, Sodhi J K, Interdental Aids – A review. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2021;6(4):201-203
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Received : 15-11-2021
Accepted : 30-11-2021
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