Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 3, Year : 2021
Article Page : 136-142
The association between the oral and systemic health has been a matter of discussion since the focal infection theory of the early 20century. This field has evolved with supportable evidence linking poor periodontal status with systemic diseases and extensive research on this complex relationship has given rise to new field of “Periodontal Medicine.” Although the evidence base is quite large on the impact of systemic disorders on periodontium but a smaller but growing evidence base supports an association between poor periodontal health and systemic diseases. Moreover, today’s era of evidence-based medicine and dentistry provides an excellent environment to examine the possible relationships between oral infection and systemic disorders. Therefore, the purpose of writing this review article is to understand the underlying pathophysiology between periodontal health and systemic health with particular focus on the effects of periodontal disease on systemic outcomes.
Keywords: Oral health, Periodontal disease, Periodontitis, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, Adverse pregnancy outcomes, Respiratory diseases
How to cite : Bhatia V, Mahajan A, Asi K S, Ashadeep, Evolving paradigms in the field of periodontal medicine: A review. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2021;6(3):136-142
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Received : 15-05-2021
Accepted : 08-09-2021
Viewed: 1361
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