Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 1, Year : 2021
Article Page : 6-10
Background: The future of medical health care is evolving day in and out. Researchers are focusing on facing the biggest challenges in the field by using smallest of the solutions. Nanotechnology uptil now have been seen only in science fiction stories and movies. An upcoming future is now promising us turn this fiction turn into reality.
Content: Nanorobotics is a field where microsocopic robots will be created to perform medical and dental procedures. Gaining access to robotics at nano level in the dental world, the aim will be to treat dental conditions rapidly and more efficiently, by causing minimum pain. Nanorobots to be made up of “smart” structure which will have the ability of inciting, sensing, signalling, processing information and perform the required treatment at nano scale.
Conclusion: The emergence of nanorobtics in healthcare sector will change the face of medical sciences. The article aims to elucidate the current scenario of nano world in dentistry and how nanorobotics will fabricate a better future in treatment modalities in dentistry.
Keywords: Nanorobotics, Periodontics, Nanodentistry.
How to cite : Sachdeva S , Mani A , Mani S A, Vora H R, Gholap S S, Sodhi J K, Nano-robotics: The future of health and dental care. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2021;6(1):6-10
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Received : 10-03-2021
Accepted : 23-03-2021
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