Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2020
Article Page : 168-173
The current study was aimed at estimating the effect of azithromycin as an adjunct on clinical parameters, microbiological and biochemical parameters in chronic periodontitis subjects. Clinical parameters,namely gingival index, papillary bleeding index, probing depth, clinical attachment level, collection of subgingival plaque for P.gingivalis assessment and gingival crevicular fluid for estimation of reactive oxygen metabolites was done at baseline and 1st month in both the test subjects(30) receiving scaling and root planning along with azithromycin and the control subjects(30) who received scaling and root planning with placebo. The bleeding index and gingival index showed significant difference between the groups at the end of 1st month, whereas probing depth and clinical attachment level did not. Reactive oxygen metabolites levels reduced in both the groups and were significant on intergroup comparison at the end of one month. The mean percentage decrease in P.gingivalis levels was more in test group at the end of one month and was statistically significant. In addition to non surgical treatment, systemic administration of azithromycin seems to be beneficial in the management of chronic periodontitis.
Keywords: Chronic periodontitis, Azhithromycin, Pgingivalis, Reactive oxygen metabolites.
How to cite : Shekhar H, Arunachalam L T, Sudhakar U , Azhitromycin and periodontal disease: Effect on clinical parameters, P.gingivalis and reactive oxygen species. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2020;5(4):168-173
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