Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2020
Article Page : 159-167
This review deals with one of the most perplexing discoveries made recently in the field of medicine which is the inflammasome. They are an integral part of the innate immunity and is known to play a major role in the inflammatory process. The inflammasomes have a diverse range of functions most of which still remain to be elucidated. There are different families of inflammasomes involved in the host response to an inflammatory process. This information provides us with the possibility of new targets for modulating the
host responses, thus, enabling us to respond to the bacterial challenges more efficiently in future.
Keywords: Inflammasome, Immunity, Inflammation, Periodontitis, Cytokines, Receptors, Transcription, Translation.
How to cite : Ansari N, Paul J, D’lima J P, Parackal S T, Thomas D , The Inflammasomes: A confounding chapter in Periodontics. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2020;5(4):159-167
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